In this monthly 'Do's and Don'ts' blog, we share best practices for inclusive leaders to start using as of today. Good luck and let us know how it turns out in your company !
To change the numbers and get to more diversity and inclusion, we need to engage the dominant group. Often those are white men. It is crucial that they advocate for the groups that are not dominant. That can be women, but can also be people from another ethnic background. Or introverts in a company full of extraverted leaders. You get the picture.
Men can take an active role in the journey actively promoting women with leadership potential, just as they do for men. How to get it right? Check out Prof. Mayar's advice below.
Take the next step
What about your organization?
How diverse and inclusive are your leadership teams? What about the pipeline? Do you know what is holding diverse talent from the top positions? Are your ready to identify your blocking and accelerating factors?
Take a look at our keynotes, management dialogues and workshops to develop more inclusive leaders. Happy to share my other lessons learned from many best practices and from 2500 leading ladies in our network. And very interested to hear about your drivers. Get in touch for a coffee, a keynote, a management dialogue and find out all about our 6 Drivers for Real Change model.
Elke Jeurissen, Founder